So, I just finished watching Bridge to Terabithia.
I actually multitasked and sorted some meat off a lovely pork roast part of the time I was watching. And I won't be surprised if I were to start feeling horrible shortly from consuming so much of what I was sorting... mmm.
Uh, what I meant to say was that I like that movie. Even though it makes me cry.
I decided to do a little post while I wrestle with my iTunes to get today's Boundless Show episode onto my iPod. I think it's finally working.
The last two episodes were very serious, so I hope this one has some humor.
Not that I have a problem with seriousness, mind you. If you want to know what's funny, check out the Dec. 24th episode. The discussion about Christmas Favorites is good.
And I thought I'd leave you with this tidbit of info: There's a new kid in my class!!
I don't know if I said that on the blog already or not. If I did, apologies.
But he's cute, and fits in perfectly.
And I'm supposed to get another addition soon. That makes 8.
But I love it.
Funny, I usually come home and take a nap, complaining how hard the day was, but I wouldn't want to quite. I love it.
I decided to do a little post while I wrestle with my iTunes to get today's Boundless Show episode onto my iPod. I think it's finally working.
The last two episodes were very serious, so I hope this one has some humor.
Not that I have a problem with seriousness, mind you. If you want to know what's funny, check out the Dec. 24th episode. The discussion about Christmas Favorites is good.
And I thought I'd leave you with this tidbit of info: There's a new kid in my class!!
I don't know if I said that on the blog already or not. If I did, apologies.
But he's cute, and fits in perfectly.
And I'm supposed to get another addition soon. That makes 8.
But I love it.
Funny, I usually come home and take a nap, complaining how hard the day was, but I wouldn't want to quite. I love it.
My blog has been looking so barren lately. It's time for some pictures!
From preschool, nonetheless!

A little redundant, yes. Tis a popular pose. lol
To the left is Mr. New Kid.

Me and Tom!
With extra cool added specialness from the brilliant wonder-worker of a photo editor - picnik.
Tomorrow I shall go ice skating with my brother and some friends. Then we shall come home for the very same brother's birthday party. It shall be a pleasant day.
For now, however, I'm going to stir some honey into my chamomile tea and listen to my podcast.
Good night.
-Miss "Caitin"