Monday, April 10, 2023

Who I am now...

I began this blog in 2007, cross-posting with my Xanga account. (Remember Xanga? It died in 2013. Which is roughly the last time I blogged here with any consistency.)

Mostly hosting the minutia of my daily life and angsty, philosophical ramblings from my late teens and early twenties, this blog has been home to amusing little personal tales, promotions and giveaways for my long-defunct Etsy shop, favorite recipes, and scores of selfies and other photos.

Now, I'm not sure what it will be. I'm not even sure it should still exist, but I'm loathe to let it go after all these years! I'm sure I should be cultivating a "professional" online presence (and thusly disappearing my online past) if I want to be A Serious Writer, but hey. I am still me, after all.

Now, in 2023, ten years from my last public ponderings, I am thirty-three. I am a professional marketing copywriter and strategist with a degree in English. I know some stuff about SEO, B2B marketing, content marketing strategies, and #agencylife.

I am married with no pets, no children. I moved to Colorado from the South in 2020. I have a children's book in processes, and I try to keep the creative juices flowing with other minor creative endeavors. 

I hike, run, read, climb, write, and drink craft beer — all as an enthusiastic novice. 

And, perhaps most notably, I no longer decry decaf coffee. Anxiety has made a convert of me.

For now, I intend to keep the blog alive with an infusion of  Goodreads book reviews. My Goodreads use is maybe the only part of my online presence that has stayed consistent since 2007! I tried Litsy, but I kind of hated it.

So. Until I figure out what's next, here's this! 


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