Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I missed English class this morning because I don't have a car.

Bless the Lord, O my soul.

I'm unhappy with the assignment I turned in, and concerned for my grade.

And all that is within me, bless His holy name.

I bombed my Physics quiz today.

Bless the Lord, O my soul.

I need more income. And a car.

And forget not all His benefits.

I am so impatient right now.

Who forgives all your iniquities.

I'm getting sick. My throat is raw and my neck is aching.

Who heals all your diseases.

I still don't have a long term plan. Or a short term plan, really.

Who redeems your life from destruction.

And I'm still lonely.

Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies.

I am not content, and apparently my faith is weak.

Who satisfies your mouth with good things.

Bless the Lord, O my soul.


  1. Ooooohhhhhhhh, how I feel your pain! The life of a college student like us is not one to be envied. People say these are the best years of our life, but I just keep saying that they are the hardest. I'm worn out over here! All that, and yet God IS good! God IS bigger than all our problems!

    Stay focused! He can get you through this, or else He'll show you were else he wants you. "Super" comforting I know, but it actually should be. :]

    1. Yay, I finally set my blogger so I can reply to comments directly! Thanks for the encouragement, Keith. :D

  2. Oh my goodness. I love this post so much. Want to know something weird about me that's going to make me sound like an old lady? Old-fashioned hymns are the only Christian music I can really get into. It's what I was raised on, so it does something for me that contemporary Christian music never has.

    Anyway, it just really made this post enjoyable for me because I recognize that song. I could hear it as I read, and it was a pleasant little moment for me. :-)

    1. Aw, Holly! That doesn't make you sound like an old lady. Or, at least we can be old ladies together. I learned a lot of really old fashioned hymns when I was a kid, so they definitely speak to me in a different way, too. I'm glad to have sparked a moment for you! lol


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