Sunday, April 1, 2012

a peek at today

Yesterday, on a whim, I bought some beading supplies and started making anklets and bracelets. I got home from the craft store around 3 and sat down at the table. I didn't get up again until about midnight. (Don't worry, Pandora and Netflix kept me company!)
This morning we visited a new church. It was nice. The choir was good. The people were friendly. It made me miss our old church, though. It feels wrong to say, "old church," like I don't belong there any more. It's still my home church.
This afternoon, I kept beading.
Finally, evening hit and I was ready to take a break.
I made an iced coffee.
(Like my neon green nail tips? I'm a fan.)
Then I ate a cupcake.
Then I went for a 3 mile walk. Part of the neighborhood smells like bubblegum. It did last time, too. I don't understand. Is it a flower? Is it somebody's house? Is there a secret underground bubblegum factory? Who knows.
Then I ate a sandwich and watched Voyage of the Dawn Treader with the kids. 3/4 of the way through I had to dash outside into the deluge to roll up the car windows. It was pretty much too late. The car was soaked through, and as soon as I got back inside it quit raining.
Also, my hair is driving me crazy.
So... there's my weekend. In case you were wondering. :)

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