You know how I had that great ideal about writing after each book I finish this summer?
Yeah, it's not going so well.
In addition to Romeo & Juliet and Fahrenheit 451, I've read
For Women Only,
How to be Your Own Selfish Pig, and
Wedding Planning for Dummies. All of which were completed during my weekend stay with the Looneys. That makes us sound awfully boring, but there's nothing like being such good friends with someone that you can all sit around doing nothing together and enjoy it just as much as when you're doing fun stuff.
Okay, there are so many things in that one paragraph that I could write another whole paragraph on. Let me expound:
Firstly, I at least need to write a paragraph about each of the books I've read. But I'm not going to do that in this post.
Instead, what I'm going to say is that every woman needs to read For Women Only. Seriously. Ranting about how great it was could be entertaining, but I can just refer you to the above hyperlink where you can read about the book yourself. Now I need to read For Men Only so I can see what it is that men don't know about us. lol
And in case you were wondering why I was reading Wedding Planning for Dummies ... it was just lying around their house, so I picked it up. Fascinating. It made weddings sound like nothing but a long, expensive nightmare. I think maybe I'll just elope and have an elaborate photo shoot.
Now, in case you were wondering why it was lying around their house, I shall tell you.
That's all.
=) But this post is supposed to be about how I can't stop reading, so I'll talk more about that later.
Since we're still talking about reading, I should inform you that I've already started another book.
The Beautiful Fight, by Gary Thomas. (recently retitled "
Holy Available: what if holiness is about more than what we don't do") I meant to start reading Middlemarch, but I've been waiting for this book to get to my library forEVER. Or at least it seems like forever, because I was so excited about reading it since the minute I heard about it. I don't know if I've ever been this excited to read a "christian living" type book. Nope, I haven't. But this one's gonna be good. I've read the first couple chapters already... I have paper and a pencil handy while I'm reading it.
So... I guess that's all. Just thought I'd update you on my summer reading.
Life is good. And even when it's not, God is good. Amazing how you can still have joy when your soul is weighed down if Jesus Christ is holding you.
I'll post again soon!
P.S. I went to the post office and the library today. I went to the post office for something trivial just so I could say hey to the people who work there. Small towns are fun. :)